

The Future of Security Awareness

In this interview, Theo Zafirakos, CISO at Fortra’s Terranova Security, discusses the state of cybersecurity awareness training and the sophisticated threats enterprises now face.

Strategizing Cybersecurity Awareness with Different Training Types

Many organizations face regulatory requirements to train employees on cybersecurity threats, but simply meeting these standards doesn't mean you’re protecting your people and your data. Effective training goes beyond compliance, offering frequent exposure to new ideas, regular repetition, practical application, and continuous assessment. This is where targeted training types come into play...

Top 11 Cybersecurity Concerns in the Finance Sector in 2024

Cybersecurity in finance is not just about defense but proactive adaptation. Banks face continuous threats despite advanced security infrastructures. The escalation in phishing success rates, as seen in Terranova Security's 2023 Gone Phishing Tournament found a 10.4% click-through statistic, highlighting the need for evolving security strategies. While the finance sector performed better than...

Why Strategic Goals are Important in Security Awareness Programs

A cyber security awareness program involves all parts of a company and needs support from every level of management. Clear strategic goals are essential to guide the program and keep it focused on its objectives. In a webinar hosted by Terranova Security’s CISO Theo Zafirakos, 42% of the attendees revealed that they don’t have any strategic goals...
On-Demand Webinar

2023 Gone Phishing Tournament Results Webinar

Watch the panel discussion break down the latest phishing statistics from the 2023 Gone Phishing Tournament and learn how to leverage them to help your organization strengthen security awareness initiatives.

Security Awareness Training Kit

Take the guesswork out of launching a security awareness training program. This kit will guide you through each step of implementing an effective training program.
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Security Awareness Program - Click & Launch!

Keep Your Sensitive Information Safe Easily build an effective security awareness training program that’s simple to set up and manage. With preconfigured content that leverages over 20 years of cyber security expertise, Terranova Security helps you deliver an immersive, powerful learning experience that supports your needs and goals. ...

Security Awareness Professional Services

Services That Help Achieve Your Cyber Security Goals Choose from multiple options that empower your awareness program managers throughout the life of the program. Strategize and launch training initiatives, monitor overall performance, and adjust training components to change unsafe end user behaviors and promote a security-first mindset. CISO...

Get Straight A’s in Cyber Security Awareness

Education institutions are targeted by thousands of cyber attacks every week All it takes is one ill-advised click on a suspicious link or attachment to leave your most important information vulnerable. If a data breach occurs, your organization could be on the receiving end of serious financial and reputational harm. Give your employees and students the knowledge they need to detect and report...

What is Quishing?

QR codes have come a long way since being invented in 1994 by a subsidiary of Toyota. Initially introduced to address some limitations of barcodes during the car manufacturing process, QR codes have since become staples in people’s day-to-day lives. The introduction of high-powered cameras to most modern smartphones is what allowed these codes to gain new uses. QR codes, easily generated and cost...

The Cyber Security Hub

Get and share the knowledge everyone needs to become a cyber hero!Establishing a strong security-aware organizational culture and changing user behavior is built on knowledge. To avoid data breaches, employees must be able to identify and report potential cyber threats. The Cyber Security Hub makes it easier than ever to obtain and distribute content on a variety of important cyber security topics...

Why Modern Design Matters in Cyber Security Training

As cyber criminals keep innovating, coming up with new and more damaging attacks every year, it’s crucial for organizations worldwide to train their staff to recognize these threats. According to a study by Mastercard, a staggering 95% of data breaches are due to human error. This statistic highlights the critical importance of training employees on modern cyber threats. Maintaining employee...

How Often Should Employees Receive Security Awareness Training?

With cyber attacks posing a significant threat to businesses, especially to small ones where 60% don’t survive such an incident, the importance of regular and effective cyber security awareness training is more evident than ever. But what defines “regular?” What makes “effective?” This article explores the crucial aspect of training frequency. It’s not just about whether your employees undergo...

The Crucial Need for Cyber Security in Nonprofits

In an increasingly digital world, the safety of sensitive information is paramount. Unfortunately, nonprofits have become a goldmine for cyber criminals seeking to exploit their often limited security measures. These organizations, while operating with smaller teams and budgets, are responsible for substantial funds and sensitive data, drawing the attention of online predators looking for an easy...

Four Ways to Make Cyber Security Employee Training Fun

Let’s be honest: cyber security employee training has a reputation for being dull. Most employees dread it. They expect dry training talks, lackluster presentations, and examples they can’t relate to. In any training, people must come first. You should create a model that focuses on the people you’re trying to reach: your own employees. A people-centric approach lets you focus your cyber...

Defining an Information Security Program

Every organization, regardless of size or revenue generated, needs an information security program (ISP), a collection of initiatives that form the basis for any cyber security plan involving confidential data. A well-developed information security program enables your organization to take an inclusive approach to protecting data such as protected health information (PHI), personally identifiable...