Enhance Vulnerability Management with Security Awareness Training

Mitigate the human risk factor with award-winning cyber security awareness training that works with your vulnerability management system to avoid data breaches and protect every asset in your IT infrastructure.

two individuals on devices

Change Unsafe Behaviors to Build a Cyber-Aware Culture


Help your IT team sleep better at night with the knowledge that your security awareness training helps employees detect and report potential cyber threats consistently. By implementing interactive, engaging awareness training programs, you create an organizational culture where security best practices are always a priority.

Choose training from Fortra’s Terranova Security to:

  • Create and deploy training programs tailored to your goals
  • Leverage hundreds of interactive courses and gamified modules
  • Enjoy seamless implementation options for SaaS administrators
  • Add comprehensive analytics and reporting to your arsenal
  • Increase program participation and completion rates

Investing in security awareness training in addition to vulnerability management and pen testing helps organizations like yours to:

  • Change unsafe online behaviors and minimize risk
  • Avoid data breaches, downtime and related financial losses
  • Strengthen threat resilience against common cyber attacks
  • Unburden IT teams so they can focus on other vital tasks
  • Boost brand reputation with customers, partners, and stakeholders

Don't leave your confidential data vulnerable because of preventable human risk factors—talk to a security awareness expert today to see how your organization can benefit in a huge way.

Vulnerability Management Needs to Be More Than a Scan


A vulnerability manager can no longer be a simple scan.  Security teams need a risk-based VM solution that can automate processes, provide centralized security information with prioritized results, and robust reporting that helps you track remediation management more efficiently and effectively.

Empower your team with Fortra VM’s simple yet advanced functionality, including:

Apply an overall security risk score to easily determine the vulnerabilities that pose the highest risk to your organization, evaluate affected assets, and receive an easy-to-understand security rating.

Provide an active view of a network and vulnerabilities based on previous scans. This measures the comprehensive security landscape and graphs vulnerability ages and remediation efforts.

Detail identified vulnerabilities including class, severity level, and when available, remediation suggestions.

The key benefits of having Fortra VM’s risk-based vulnerability management solution:



Eliminate manual errors and time associated with setting up scanning. Determine preferred scanning times and the types of scans to run and get consistent, continuous reports measuring remediation efforts.



Using threat intelligence and risk context such as exploitation activity and exposure helps prioritize the highest-risk vulnerabilities. As each organization’s infrastructure is unique, results are measured on specific company parameters and accurately prioritized accordingly.


Comprehensive Reporting

Generate detailed vulnerability and patch reports to measure remediation trends. Customize and filter reports for different security views and compliance audits.


Talk to our cybersecurity experts and see how you can get more from vulnerability management with automation, vulnerability prioritization, and data-rich reporting.



Find Exploitable Vulnerabilities with a Team of Trusted Pen Testing Experts

Once vulnerabilities are discovered and prioritized, your security team must attempt to exploit them and see what data can be accessed. Outsourcing to a trusted, reliable Pen Testing Service team can help relieve this stress and save your company time and effort.

We offer a variety of testing types, including:

  • Web Application Pen Testing - Web applications have inherent vulnerabilities that don’t appear on automated pen tests. Our professionals conduct extensive manual testing to find data validation weaknesses, integrity checks, and authentication problems.
  • Network and Infrastructure Pen Testing - External network pen testing attempts to compromise your system like a real-world attacker would, putting prevention and response to the test.
  • Wireless Pen Testing – Wireless connectivity has expanded exponentially and is difficult to secure. Bluetooth, WIFI, hotspots, and any wireless networks have become a much bigger target and it’s essential they be pen tested.
  • Social Engineering Services – Just as Security Awareness Training is crucial to minimize human error, Social Engineering testing supplements those efforts by testing your staff’s susceptibility to attack with simulated phishing, vishing, and smishing attempts, testing loyalty with bribery, and actual physical breaching of office spaces.
  • Application Programing Interfaces Pen Testing – API accessibility has made it a top attack target. Automated pen testing can’t keep up with the varieties, so a team needs to test API function by function to locate any vulnerabilities.
  • Mobile Application Pen Testing – Mobile device testing is important and can vary depending on how an Android or IOS interact requires various communication tests and malware exploit tests.
  • Amazon Web Service (AWS) Pen Testing – AWS services vary considerably, and clients don’t own the infrastructure, which can have legal limitations. These pen tests need to be experienced in the AWS platform and tailored specifically to your organization’s security scope and objective.
  • Code-Assisted Pen Testing – Source code pen testing is invaluable. For an experienced team, it gives an in-depth look at the back end and front-end interactions of a system and testing possible vulnerabilities.

All of these tests require time, experience, and energy that your security team may not be able to spare. Bringing in a trusted, expert pen testing team helps your existing security team by working in tandem with them. See how the right pen testing services can test and strengthen your security efforts.