Training Video
Email & Domain Spoofing Warning Signs
Spoofing Infographics
Using fun, informative reinforcement material such as infographics and comics helps boost user engagement. Share these with employees via email or download printable PDFs to hang in common areas around your office.
Spoofing Prevention Tips

Everything you need to know about spoofing and learn how you can protect yourself spoofing and social engineering attacks.
Don't Be Fooled by a Spoofing Attack
Cybercriminals hide their identity using direct and technical spoofing attack methods. Learn how to prevent spoofing attacks to keep you and your company protected.
The 5 Most Spoofed Brands in the World
Can your employees detect spoofed brands and websites? We list the world’s most spoofed companies and provide tips on how to avoid spoofing.
Need more training resources?
Terranova Security offers customizable courses, quizzes, game-style activities, and communication tools that are perfect for any industry, organization size, and security awareness budget.