

5 Examples of Spear Phishing Attacks

When it comes to cyber crime, hackers like to locate the most high-value targets, whether it’s a piece of infrastructure or an individual with access to privileged information, all while expending the least effort possible. In most examples of spear phishing attacks, a criminal will send out targeted attacks via email to multiple users. In these emails, the attacker will use high-pressure...

How to Build a Successful Phishing Simulation Campaign

Phishing threats are everywhere, and if your employees don’t know how to spot them, you’re putting your information at risk. Knowing how to build a successful phishing simulation is vital for identifying how well employees can spot the latest threats and ensuring they know how to spot them independently. Unfortunately, many organizations fail to offer adequate security awareness training, with...

What You Need to Know About the Latest Facebook Data Leak

At the start of April, hackers leaked the data of 533 million Facebook users from 106 countries in an online hacking forum. The leaked data included the private information of Facebook users like full names, phone numbers, email addresses, locations, Facebook IDs, and biographical data. While hackers obtained the information in 2019, there are serious concerns over how cyber criminals could use...

Security Awareness and Working From Home: What About Devices with Personal Voice Assistants?

Personal voice assistants have proven to be a great technological innovation that improves lives daily. With 4.2 billion of these devices in use in 2020, they are no longer just a novelty, and, with workers staying home for the foreseeable future, voice assistants could pose a sizeable security risk. Voice assistants are mostly known as standalone speakers that people talk to in order to execute...

How Security Awareness Training Targets and Changes User Phishing Behaviors

Learn the secrets behind effectively managing the human element of cyber security -- watching the Terranova Security presentation from the 2020 Forrester Security and Risk Virtual Forum on-demand! This presentation, from author and Terranova Security's Lise Lapointe, includes expert insight into: Why high-quality content that’s available in multiple formats, accessible to all users, and...

The CRA Cyber Attack: Here’s What You Need to Know

In mid-August, cybercriminals targeted the Canada Revenue Agency with two credential stuffing attacks, obtaining the usernames and passwords of 9,041 GCKey accounts, and 5,500 CRA accounts. The fraudsters then used the stolen login credentials to apply for the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB). In response to the attack, a statement released by the Office of the Chief Information Officer...

Phishing Kit


The Importance of Mobile Responsive Security Awareness Training White Paper

Download the White Paper to how to better engage users by: Giving them access to security awareness training from anywhere, on any device Providing an appealing, effective learning experience that fits everyone’s schedule Promoting better knowledge retention and lasting behavior change by leveraging mobile learning Implementing a seamless experience across desktops, laptops, smartphones, and...

How to Successfully Manage Repeat Clickers

(7 min read) Using online security awareness training to lower your click rate Recognizing a potential phishing email is the first step in avoiding falling victim to a cyber attack. The next and most important step is knowing what to do with this email. Ideally, you want your employees to report the phishing email to you and then delete the message. However, curiosity is extremely powerful....
On-Demand Webinar

How Does Your Click Rate Stack Up?

Benchmarking statistics related to phishing simulations are critical for driving behavioral change. Based on the recent results of the 2019 Gone Phishing Tournament, learn how the click rate data gathered reinforces the importance of implementing a program that combines rich and engaging content for security awareness training and phishing simulations based on real-life scenarios. You will also...

Consumerization of IT Through BYOD: Is Your Company Ready?

The consumerization of IT is when employees use their own personal mobile devices, such as laptop computers, tablets, smart phones, etc. at work, referred to as BYOD (bring your own device). This use is becoming increasingly common and exposes companies to a variety of risks, including the protection of personal information. Canadian businesses appear to be leading the world in IT consumerization...

Secure information destruction

What is the value of the information stored on your computer equipment or paper documents? What would the impacts be if your personal or confidential information fell into the wrong hands (e.g. financial loss, loss of image / reputation, regulatory or legal non-compliance)? Can you be certain that a proper destruction method was used on the information (whether in digital or paper form) to ensure...